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Roswell UFO Crash

In July 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, an unidentified flying object or U.F.O is said to have crashed on a nearby ranch. Although it was reported at the time to be a crashed weather balloon, many people believe that it was in fact an extraterrestrial flying saucer.

Sometime near Independence day, a local rancher named Mac Brazel found something extremely odd in his sheep pasture. What was it you ask? Well, a bunch of metallic sticks held together with tape, chunks of plastic and foil reflectors, a debris of a heavy, metallic, paper like material. During this time, UFO's were not widely popular or believed. Unable to identifiy any of the debris, Mac Brazel called the local sheriff to ask for help. The Sheriff, thought it would be most beneficial to call proffesionals at the nearby Roswell Army Air Force Base. Shortly after, members of the air force turned up to Brazel's ranch to collect the broken debris and loaded it into protected and armoured trucks to be taken away for further study.

Shortly after on July 8th, the local newspapers began printing stories of the crash using headlines such as 'RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region. This story was backed up by local air force officials who claimed it was indeed, just a crashed weather balloon. However, the materials and debris that was found would suggest otherwise, with people who were there claiming it was far from a weather balloon. They believed it was something far from this planet.

Because of the lack of real evidence being revealed, many people began speculating whether it was just a weather balloon. This formed many skeptics.

During the 1950's, the government began conducting a series of secret tests, known as "dummy drops". These experiments were supposed to be testing ways for a pilot to survive falling from extremely high heights. However, the dummies that were used were made to look extremely similar to the stereotypical alien we picture today. When the dummies finally made contact with the ground, they began testing how long it would take for members of the military to turn up to the landing site and retrieve the dummies. Now, this to skeptics, made the whole thing seem even more mysterious and suspicious. They were convinced that the dummies were actually extraterrestrial creatures who were being kidnapped and experimented on by government scientists.

It turned out, that the government and army, actually knew a whole lot more than they let on. Since around the early 1940's, a group of geophysicists and oceanographers from Columbia University, N.Y.U and the Woods Hole Oceanagraphic Institution, had been working on a secret atomic espionage project named Project Mogul.Project Mogul used sturdy high-altitude balloons to carry low-frequency sound sensors into the tropopause, a faraway part of the Earth’s atmosphere that acts as a sound channel. In this part of the atmosphere, sound waves can travel for thousands of miles without interference, much like under the ocean. The scientists believed that if they sent microphones into this sound channel, they would be able to eavesdrop on nuclear tests as far away as the Soviet Union.

Members of the U.S Government claimed that the debris of the Roswell Crash was actually a part of Project Mogul. was the remains of a 700-foot-long string of neoprene balloons, radar reflectors (for tracking) and sonic equipment that the scientists had launched from the Alamogordo base in June and that had, evidently, crashed in early July 1947. As no one else apart from the members of Project Mogul knew about the project in the first place, it is said this is the reason people are skeptical as to what it was. However, there is, to this date, no official evidence to support this claim.

In the year 2015, people are still skeptical as to what happened in July of 1947. Many people still believe that it was infact a flying saucer and that the government chooses to cover it up to avoid questions. It is believed that the remains of the Roswell Crash (and whatever was in it) are being held in the U.S Military base, Area 51.

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