The Babushka Lady
The Babushka Lady is the most commonly used nickname for a peculiar woman that was spotted at the assassination of the United States 35th President, John F. Kennedy.

On the 22nd of November 1963, the day started out like any other. The United States President, John F. Kennedy was due to arrive in Dallas Texas, to meet the citizens of Texas at the time. However, on that day a saddening yet mysterious event took place.
At approximately 12:30pm while President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline were being driven through the streets of Dallas, President Kennedy was assassinated with a fatal bullet wound. An investigation that occured up to 10 months after the assassination found that an individual named Lee Harvey Oswald, had sniped the President from a nearby window, using a 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with a misaligned scope.
At the time of the event, citizens of Dallas were already gathered on the streets to see the President, many people filmed, took photos and celebrated the Presidents visit. At the moment he was shot, these people ran for their lives and took cover behind bushes, trees and cars. However, there was one woman who did not seem all to bothered about the assassination.

This is where we meet The Babushka Lady.
In various amateur videos recordings that were filmed that day, including the famous Zapruder film, "The Babushka Lady" is clearly seen standing on the grass holding a camera to her face. When the President was shot, the people around her took cover, but the Babushka lady continued filming. Eventually, she joined the rest of the people on a grass embankment while people searched for the Gunman. No one at the time knew who the lady was or why she did not seem fased by any of the events taking place. Even though others were filming at the time, they could not film the woman's face as her own camera was obstructing the view.

The Babushka lady clearly had taken many photo's of President John F. Kennedy and clearly held many pieces of evidence that would be needed in the investigation. However, none of the photos she took were ever found or seen by the general public.
However in the year of 1970 a local dancer and singer named Beverly Oliver came forward with claims that she was infact The Babushka Lady. She told many investigators and newspapers that the FBI had taken her camera and the film with promise to return them, however she never recieved her property back. Though some of her claims match up with the events that took place, many don't.
She claims that she was filming Kennedy with a Yashica Super-8 Zoom Camera, a camera that wasn't actually released until 1967, around 4 years later.
She claimed the FBI who took her camera was named Regis Kennedy, however at the time, Regis Kennedy was in New Orleans and was interviewing Dean Andrews.
She claimed she saw Kennedy's head 'Explode' however in the films of him being shot and witness reports, this was proved false.
It is claimed by many that Beverly Oliver was introduced to Lee Harvey Oswald at the club in which she worked. And that she did in fact know who he was, though she denied it.
This had led many to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in killing Kennedy and that Beverly Oliver may have been The Babushka Lady.